Thursday, September 26, 2013

80 Hour Practicum - Assessment

Week 4: Assessment.  How are students informally and formally assessed? How is it documented?

In my cooperating teacher's classroom, students are both formally and informally assessed.  They are often informally assessed through worksheets and activities where the material is similar to what will be on the formal assessment but it is graded differently.  My cooperating teacher puts a star on the top of the paper when students complete an assignment.  She will also circle what is wrong so students know what they got correct and what they could improve on.

On formal assessments, such as the weekly spelling tests, my cooperating teacher will score the different items and put a total score over possible points on the top of the page.  If they got all the points, they get a star on the top of the page.

My cooperating teacher also does guided reading assessments to help students read at an appropriate level for them.  She often will do these assessments during the Read to Self section of Daily Five.

Overall, my cooperating teacher pays attention to the growth of each of her students and can tell me who has grown significantly in subjects such as spelling and math.  I think that it is important to know your students and acknowledge their growth levels in addition to the actual accuracy of the assignment so students can continue to feel motivated to learn and practice.

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