Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Spy Book

I Spy Book

     One way to help students with sight words is to create an I-Spy book together. This collaborates learning their language, learning how to use technology, among many other skills. This would be a larger unit project, with different parts of the project spanning over days or weeks, depending on the grade level of the students. Overall, each student would create a page as seen below:

- A roll of paper is spread across the table
- Each student or group has a select number of objects
- Student place objects on the paper as they want and a teacher comes around to take photos as they are finished
- Make sure to have them write their names by their items so you, as the teacher, know who's picture is who's
- Take these photos and create a book using Vistaprint, order this book and have it in the classroom to do lessons on

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